Monday, March 30, 2009


sometimes after I eat I look like this...

Food is good & makes me sleepy. The benefit of being a baby is I can sleep whenever I feel like it. For instance I am asleep in my carseat right now! Nevermind that I only recently woke up, I didn't want to stay awake. I gave everyone at Starbucks something to look at this morning I tried to eat a paper bag (unsuccessfully- geeze mom way to let a kid have a good time..!) then I snuggled back into my carseat and WHAMMY! ASLEEP! It's sweet being a baby! Later I'm going to help my Mom pack up the apartment so we can move early tomorrow morning. OH BOY!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Ace is 100 DAYS OLD!


This lil' boy is a world traveler! He spent his 100th day birthday with his Gampy, his Aunt Joyce (great-great aunt joyce) & of course his super awesome mom! It was rainy, but lovely and he was sad to say goodbye to central oregon, but happy to say hello to Oregon City! We dined later that day at Queen of Sheba with his cousin Kevin & Kevin's special lady friend Sally.

Sally said that in some countries babies do not wear diapers and are simply hung over the railing of porches to go to the bathroom. The mothers of these non poo-receptacle wearing babies simply blow on the child's face to make him/her pee. If it is poop they need to accomplish they make a grunty constipated face (accompanied with sound) and viola insta-poop! Sally decided to test this theory at the dinner table... it worked.

What a day!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


oh geeez! I'm so embarrassed! What will my friends say??

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Future Star Wars Fan

The dark side of the force can be very cute :)

Today I am 3 Months Old!

As I have grown to be 3 months of age I have left some great outfits behind. Let us pay homage to the cuteness of the past:

goodbye starsuit!

goodbye polkadots!

goodbye car shirt!

goodbye bear fleece with ears!

I loved you all very much! But now I have something BETTER!!!!

Oh Ducky Robe you are so fuzzy! I love you when I get out of the bathtub!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Roll Over, Roll Over

Today I rolled over from my back to my belly! I was very excited. I have rolled to my side before, but doing this all by myself from back to front was a first!!!! I can't wait to exercise again after my nap!